Monday, February 02, 2009

New players in Russia's aviation industry?

The 2nd Annual Conference Aviation Forum 2009 on March 27th, 2009, may point out news trends in the industry. The Russian business daily Vedomosti (organizer of the event) expects that "new large players will soon appear in the aviation field of Russia."

According to the conference's announcement some airlines that not long ago claimed for leadership are now bankrupt. Some outsiders leave, others have nothing else to do but be overtaken by stronger and more successful airlines.

The conference covers questions, such as:
  • How will the market evolve?
  • Which player will win an advantage under the new economic conditions?
  • What advantages can those remaining in the Russian market draw from the world crisis aftereffects?
  • What aviation business development strategies will be most efficient? What awaits the plane making industry?
The first Aviation Forum took place in spring 2008 and aroused great interest on the part of chief industry representatives. Over 200 people visited the conference, speeches were delivered by Boris Korol, deputy minister, Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation, Evgeny Bachurin, former director, Federal Air Traffic Agency, Valery Okulov, chief executive officer, Aeroflot - Russian Airlines, Vitaly Vantsev, Board Member of Vnukovo International Airport JSC and other aviation market participants.

Topics for discussion
  • Market redistribution. Bankruptcies of air carriers and companies consolidation and appearance of new players in the market
  • Mergers of regional carriers and problems of social carriage in the context of economic changes
  • Changes in the industry regulation: a single license for domestic carriage, competitive basis for the issue of international carriage licenses, change of the Federal Air Traffic Agency functions. To what extent have these measures improved the companies' position?
  • New rules of relations with fuel producers and suppliers. What are the advantages and disadvantages of the existing schemes?
  • Reduction of fuel prices. Market demonopolization
  • Cooperation between airports and air carriers: formation of new holdings
  • Main strategies of Russian and foreign plane makers: joint projects, situation with existing orders, airplanes of the future Provision with airplanes and equipment. How is the Russian Federation Government program for the aircraft fleet renovation being implemented?
  • The future of leasing as one of the most promising lines of industry development
The following speakers will take part
  • market regulators
  • Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation,
  • Federal Air Transport Agency of the Russian Federation,
  • Ministry of Industry and Power,
  • Ministry of Economic Development and Trade,
  • Federal Anti-Monopoly Service,
  • Federal Air-Navigation Service,
  • Russian State Duma Committee for Power, Transport and Communications,
  • United Aircraft Corporation,
  • top-managers of Russian and Foreign air carriers, aircraft manufacturers, fuel companies, associations, investment entities, consultants and market analysts.
If you are interested, please feel free to contact Elizaveta Zyryanova, the Project Manager, concerning all agenda issues at phone +7 495 232-32-00, ext. 1184 or via e-mail:

Please, contact Ekaterina Potapova for sponsorship and advertisement issues at phone +7 495 232-32-00, ext. 1180 or

To register, fill out an application form at our website: Participant's registration fee is 24500 roubles (without VAT). Please, contact Natalya Bondareva for registration issues at phone +7 495 232-32-00 ext.1558 or

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